Tuesday, January 4, 2011

13th Night

We are getting together on the 13th of January. 7:00 PM. ( I have district meetings that I can't blow off again. ) We will meet at my house. We will be instructed by a totally awesome woman...my mommy. She will be showing us a great technique to make pillows. You will need to bring: 1 yard of satin or if you can find it and don't want to have to mark fabric- 1 " gingham check. I personally am going for the satin. If it matters to you that the thread match, you better bring that also. I will provide pins, scissors, all that good stuff. I can't guarantee treats so if you want something, feel free to bring and share. (I will try...but...) Be thinking about the things you can share with the group. We want to celebrate everyone. Please leave a comment so I know how many are coming. Out of town guests are free to stay all night.
Love you!

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